Turning the Light On

Imagine walking through a dark room, and sharply bumping your legs on the furniture. In a situation like that, the furniture is nothing more than an obstacle which must be avoided.

Once you switch on a light, everything is different. The sharp corner which gouged out your shin is actually a beautiful table, its oak grain richly polished and the top ready for service. That obstacle which almost tripped you is a comfortable wingback chair, in just the right position for quiet moments of reading or prayer.

Much of life is like that. When we are in the darkness of discouragement, we don't see the things that might trip or bruise. When we are hurting, we don't understand that the thing that caused the pain may have a much greater purpose than we have experienced.

It takes the illumination that faith brings to reveal the true purpose our Father has. In your life--are those really obstacles, or would the light of God show them to be something else?
--Rocky Henriques, www.timothyreport.com

(c) 2004 by Rocky Henriques. All rights reserved. Contact