What's It For?

Shirley Bartko once wrote in Reader's Digest that she and her family had always lived in warm climates. Her little boy had never seen snow. Soon after they moved to Pennsylvania, the area received the first snow of the season.

The next morning, Shirley and her little boy, Billy, stood at the picture window, looking at the beauty. Billy was quiet for a long time, then asked, "What's it for, Mom?"

That's a very good question. Have you considered that lately? What is it really for, anyway? Why did God create such a thing as snow? Or spring? Or autumn? Or lightning?

Come to think of it, God could have created the world in black and white, but He added color! If God would do such wonderful things in such marvelous, minute detail, should it surprise any of us that He loved the world so much that He sent His One and Only Son?

Should we be surprised that He loves us so much that He chooses to become involved in our lives, providing hope and guidance when we had none?

So what's it for? It's for love.

--Rocky Henriques, www.timothyreport.com