Tossed By The Wind, Or
Standing On The Solid Rock?

One Sunday morning, I walked out of the parsonage to go turn on the heat in the church. Our cat Mickey decided he was going with me, and he went ahead of me a few steps. But the March wind was stronger that day than usual, and the space between the parsonage and the church building acts almost like a wind tunnel. When Mickey and I stepped into that space, the wind picked poor Mickey up and tossed him a few inches. It wasn’t far and it was only for a second, but when Mickey’s feet hit the ground again, he took off!

Sometimes we may feel as though we’ve been tossed by the wind of our circumstances, so that we can’t touch solid ground. Little faith says, “I’m being tossed around by my circumstances.” Stormy Weather Faith says “On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”

--Rocky Henriques, www.timothyreport.com