The Most Telling Strokes

Robert Beringer, in his book "Turning Points," (CSS Publishing Company) tells that "In the biography of Leonardo da Vinci, Antonio Vallenten tells of a time when the great artist was at work in Milan on his famous painting of the Last Supper. Da Vinci spent many hours meditating in the chapel of the monastery where he was working. The monks resented these "idle periods" and accused the artist of wasting time. But da Vinci defended these periods of reflection by saying, 'When I pause the longest, I make the most telling strokes with my brush.' "

It is important that all of us as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ understand that we must “pause” on a regular basis, to be alone with Him, to seek His face and know His heart. The most “telling strokes” of our lives will come when we have carved out time in our busy schedules simply to be with Him. We will find that we can accomplish more work of lasting significance when we have done so.
--Rocky Henriques
(The Timothy Report, www.timothyreport.com,
July 2, 2007)

(c) 2007 by Rocky Henriques. All rights reserved. Contact