No Lemon For The Fish

A British columnist once wrote about the complaints of two music critics. He commented: "If this pair had been present at the miracle of the loaves and fishes, one of them would have complained that there was no lemon to go with the fish, and the other would have demanded more butter for the bread."

It's true. When Jesus performed this miracle, He did not provide either lemon or butter--yet it was just as powerful a miracle. Just ask those who were there that day.

The lesson is that most often God works miracles in our lives by giving us the bare necessities, just enough and no more. And yet our mouths sometimes are filled with complaints about all He didn’t give us or all He didn’t do.

He knows what we need. There is nothing beyond His capability to provide. It's just that--and this is something difficult to understand--there are times that God withholds the lemon so we will trust Him that much more.

God lavishes His abundance on us, even if we are not always grateful. He provides the fish, and sometimes He tosses in a little lemon with it. If He chooses not to include the extras, however, let us be grateful for what He does give.

--Rocky Henriques, www.timothyreport.com