Drowning Recorded,
but no one helps

A recent incident in Ocean City, Maryland, (July 2007) reminds us how disconnected and apathetic many of us have become. Renald Charles, 38, was out enjoying a wonderful afternoon with his sons, 10 and 13. The boys were caught in a rip current, and their dad was attempting to save them, but quickly got into trouble himself.

Michael Andrew is the owner of a 31-footer that was taking tourists to shore from a parasailing trip. Andrew jumped into the water to save the boys, but the tourists on his boat, rather than helping with the father, merely videotaped the whole thing. The boys survived, but the father didn’t.

I wonder how closely this resembles what happens in our churches, or even in our own personal lives out there in the world. There are people perishing all around us, and while we may not video the entire thing, we are nevertheless preoccupied with things that don’t really matter. Rather than help them, rather than offer them Living Water, rather than point them to Christ, we spend our time being focused on much lesser things.

The father died trying to rescue his sons, while those who may have been able to help merely stood by and watched. Let us not be guilty of doing the same thing when it comes to telling others about Christ and His salvation.
--Rocky Henriques

(The Timothy Report,
www.timothyreport.com, July 30,  2007)