Diamonds on the Top

"Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens."
Psalm 119:89

Two landlubbers were at sea for the first time. Looking out over the ocean, one said, "That's the most water I have ever seen." The other replied, "Yes, and that's just the top of it."

When we gaze at the wonders of Scripture, we may be in awe as was the first guy above. We read Psalm 23 and enjoy its wonderful treasures and comfort. But let us remember that we could never completely understand everything about Him or His love. What we experience, what we see, “is just the top of it.”

Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas is the only diamond-producing site in the world open to the public. About once a month, park rangers plow a 37 1/2 acre field to bring diamonds to the top, so visitors can just walk along and pick them up. Or if they bring their own equipment, they can dig down to see if there are some still below the surface. And if you find one, you get to keep it!

God's Word can be compared to that diamond field. Some of the gems are lying right on top of the ground. They are easy to spot and pick up. Others are to be found only after a lot of digging and searching out. We read in Psalm 119:62, "I rejoice in your promise like one who finds great spoil."

God's Word can withstand the most careful scrutiny and examination. In fact, many of the wonders of Scripture can be found only after careful scholarship. The very process of examination can open up new insights into His truth that we may have previously overlooked.

Never should it be used as a weapon to hurt or control others. Never should we search its sacred pages for support of a habit, attitude or lifestyle we've adopted, looking for an excuse to continue. The Bible says what it says.

William Gladstone called it an "impregnable rock." Roy Smith wrote, "More people are troubled by what is plain in Scripture than by what is obscure."

Obey what you do understand. Commit the rest of it to God. He can handle it.

--Rocky Henriques, www.timothyreport.com