Going Down Country Roads

I've almost become a fanatic with my digital camera. My daughter Jennifer started it a few years ago when she and her husband gave me my first for Christmas, then my wife Sharon continued it with an upgrade last Christmas. I guess I've just gone crazy with it. Anyway, I got up early one morning and decided to get in the car and drive around in the area, looking for good shots I could use in creating greeting cards.

As I drove, I noticed a little country lane not too far from my normal traffic pattern--but I had not noticed it before.

I turned down that lane, and discovered a whole new world! I stopped the car so many times I lost count. I don't know how many pictures I took, but I'm going back soon at perhaps a different time of day to get some more.

I have been the pastor of this church for more than twelve years, and had NEVER been down that lane--didn't even know it was there. It’s not even that far from where I live. How many other areas of life have I left unexplored, just because it was a little out of the way? How many other delights and treasures are there waiting to be discovered if I would just take the time and deviate just a little from my normal routine?

Today, take a different route to work, and really look at the things around you. Read something different. Make a phone call. Write a letter—a real letter. If you have a certain routine, make a conscious effort to deviate just a little from it. You may discover all kinds of wonderful surprises waiting for you....
--Rocky Henriques, www.timothyreport.com