Behold The Baboushka!

There is a curious tradition among the Russian peasantry. It is said that an old woman, called the Baboushka, was at work in her house when the wise men from the East passed on their way to find the Christ child. “Come with us,” they said. “We have seen His star in the east and go to worship Him.” “I will come, but not now,” she answered. “I have my house to set in order; when this is done I will follow and find Him.”
But when her work was done the wise men had passed on their way across the desert, and the star shone no more in the darkened heavens. She never saw the Christ child, but the tradition says that the Baboushka is living still, and still she is searching for Him.
For His sake, the tradition says, she takes care of all Christ’s children. It is she who in Russian and Italian houses is believed to fill the stockings and dress the tree on Christmas morning. The children are awakened by the cry of “Behold the Baboushka!” and the children spring up hoping to see her before she vanishes out of the window. The Baboushka believes that in each poor little one she warms and feeds, she may find the Christ child, whom she neglected ages ago.
Are you like the Baboushka? Have you neglected the worship of Christ in your Christmas preparations?

--Rocky Henriques, www.timothyreport.com